- You'll learn a short Face Lifting self-massage that you can easily incorporate into your daily skincare routine and will have positive effects such as supple, toned skin, lifted face muscles, smoothened wrinkles, enhanced cell activation, lymph drainage, stimulation of collagen production, and blood circulation
- Step by step massage build up technique to lift the whole face, rejuvenate skin and give you a fresh and youthful appearance
- You'll have an effective, natural face massage and sculpting routine to minimize aging signs
- Easy-to-follow face massage routine that will relax tense muscles, soften fine lines, improve complexion and will generate tons of questions like “What is your magic formula that makes you look so youthful and glowing?”.
- My #1 recommendation how to massage the face that you don’t overpull or tug the skin but still work on deep stimulation of subcutaneous muscles.
- You will have proven effective face massage on hand instead of wasting time on looking all over the internet which face massage might be the right for you.
Improved Skin Complexion
Get to know the most-cherished anti-aging massage secrets for radiant and healthy skin.
All that you need in one place
Look no further for the best self-massage technique that works holistically on your face.
✔ You have aging and sagging skin, with fine lines and wrinkles and you can see signs of aging on your neck
✔ You have under-eye bags and dark circles, dull and puffy skin
✔ You have stress issues and breakouts that are showing up on your skin
✔ You are looking to include anti-aging techniques into your skincare routine.
✔ Women of all ages and it’s an excellent prevention against the formation of wrinkles and the loss of elastin and collagen
✔ More mature skin as self-massage reduces fine lines and age spots and makes skin more toned
✔ For both younger and older women as it balances the functioning of the hormonal system
✔ For anybody who prefers natural skincare options over cosmetic procedures
What others have to say?
Anti-aging Facial Rejuvenation Massage
This is one of the best natural methods for facial rejuvenation. It is a combination of different massage techniques and facial exercises that work holistically on the face and also on the body.
By stimulating acupressure points on the face, we stimulate the internal organs, stimulate the lymphatic system and increase circulation in the deepest layers.
With massage, we achieve the elimination of toxins from the body, and at the same time, the facial muscles and body tension are relaxed. In this way, we establish internal balance and well-being in the body, which is always reflected in a relaxed and radiant face.
Reasons why to attend...
✓ Your skin will be radiant and healthy and less puffy
✓ You will stimulate collagen and elastin production
✓ You will relax tense muscles
✓ You will increase circulation within the skin and as a result, your skin will glow
✓ You will smoothen out wrinkles and prevent new one from forming
Benefits of Face Massage...
✓ Stimulates circulation and sebaceous production
✓ Releases fascia and oxygenates the skin tissues
✓ Increases lymphatic flow and detoxifies
✓ Releases toxins trapped between the tissue & muscles
✓ Hydrates the surface layer of the skin
✓ Eases muscle tension
This Anti-aging Facial Rejuvenation Massage
consists of a special massage technique that activates every muscle on our face and lifts it.
It activates lymph on the face, cleanses and regenerates the skin. This way, toxins easily leave the face and consequently, the skin begins to regenerate and get a glow. The dark circles disappear, lips become fuller and the eyebrows are lifted.
This technique also smoothes and activates the area above the chest, neck and chin.
Meet Helena!
The Universe always leads you on to the right path, whether you know it at the time or not. One woman with a totally different professional background and on a totally different path but so eager and passionate to create something magical that will change the world starting with yours when you join her in this beauty revolution!
I (Helena) created Face Goddess Yoga when I started to become very passionate about finding the Fountain of Youth. I turned my desires into a mission to create a beauty routine that will help thousands of women all over the world not only look and feel youthful but more importantly, to truly fall in love with themselves. I envisioned a lifestyle that would help women glow and grow from within.
I mastered and became a multiple-certified Face Yoga Instructor with over 7 Years of experience together to this date. I’m also a certified Face Massage Instructor & Holistic Facials, Superfood Specialist, Facial Gua Sha Instructor, and Yin Energy Instructor. My techniques include facial exercises and facial massages to maximize the benefits and results alongside small changes in our daily lifestyle to feel and look more youthful.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Live Workshop work?
What happens if I can't join live?
I have no knowledge about facial massage? Can I still join?
What do I need to attend the workshop? Do I need any tools?
Everything you ever wanted to know about Facial Massage
Join us for the Anti-aging Facial Rejuvenation Massage Workshop and learn massage techniques that will lift facial muscles, smooth wrinkles, reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes and give you toned and glowing skin.